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Toruk uses native Deno.ServeHandler to handle requests, except parameters come in object shape.

Handler functions receive an object with request and info properties. Expects to return a Response object and can be async functions. Additionaly, you can use Handler type to help you define your handlers.

import type { Handler } from ''

export const handler: Handler = async function ({ request }) {
  const origin = request.headers.get('origin')

  return new Response(`Hello ${origin}!`)


Following Deno's best practices, handler functions must return a Response object. This means you should be familiar composing responses using Response API.

// Text response
return new Response('Hello world!')

// JSON response
return Response.json({ hello: 'world' })

// Redirect response
return Response.redirect('/')

💬 Info

For more complex responses like Streams, visit Deno docs.


Paths are matched using URLPattern object. This allows different patterns, one of them being parameters (named groups). Parameters are strongly typed by default.

import type { Handler } from ''

export const handler: Handler<'/user/:id'> = async function ({ params }) {
  return new Response(`Hello user Nº ${}!`)

Optional parameters

Parameters can be optional:

import type { Handler } from ''

export const handler: Handler<'/user/:id?'> = async function ({ params }) {
  return new Response(`Hello user Nº ${ ?? 'no id provided'}!`)


If you want to ignore part of the path, you can use wildcards pattern *.

import type { Handler } from ''

export const handler: Handler<'/user/*/name'> = async function () {
  return new Response('Who are you?')


Besides regular expressions are allowed, you might check Regex matchers limitations for edge cases.

import type { Handler } from ''

// Only matched if `id` is a number, else 404
export const handler: Handler<'/user/:id(\\d+)'> = async function () {
  return new Response(`Hello user Nº ${}!`)

Released under the MIT License.