Quick Start
The application instance
The application starts by creating a new application instance:
import { App } from 'https://deno.land/x/toruk/mod.ts'
const app = new App({
/* app config */
First route
Our app instance allows us to register routes:
import { App } from 'https://deno.land/x/toruk/mod.ts'
const app = new App()
app.get('/', () => new Response('Hello World!'))
Serving the app
The application won't be exposed until we .serve()
it. This method will expose same API as Deno.ServeOptions because it's used under the hood:
import { App } from 'https://deno.land/x/toruk/mod.ts'
const app = new App()
app.get('/', () => new Response('Hello World!'))